Genuine or Synthetic? Rattan is closely related to the palm tree and usually grows in South East Asia. As it’s considered to be one of the world’s strongest and most workable woods, it’s ideal for making wicker furniture; wicker being the ancient weaving technique, not the material itself. Although genuine rattan is often favoured aesthetically, […]
We all like to have a room for our leisure or a sports room. A devoted room for our collections and hobbies is what we all fancy for our home. It would be so much fun to stay at our home in our entertainment room. We could blast a home party by day or night […]
Any furniture removal can be an intimidating process no matter what the location of your new home or office. If moving interstate, the need to figure out how interstate back loading works and whether or not you should backload is crucial for a successful interstate move. The most important thing to do is to plan […]
Mozambicans are quite passionate about their sports; with a firm focus on soccer and to a lesser extent other sports. There are lots of opportunities for hobbies and recreational activities, but as these can be quite costly at times you will find most Mozambican’s aren’t able to partake. As with most other facets of this […]
Every year the manufacturers of outdoor furniture find new ways to bring something unique to market. They do this by growing their collections and/or maybe just borrowing ideas from history. When it comes to borrowing from history a case in point is the currently popular mosaic tiled furniture. The art of mosaic dates back 4000 […]
From time immemorial, wood has always been the perennial favorite for making furniture. However, many customers often fail to distinguish good wooden furniture from the bad ones. In this article we would learn how to buy quality wooden furniture. For those who are socially very active, home decoration assumes great importance. Moreover, there has been […]
So, you have this beautiful garden? Keep it beautiful by properly maintaining your wooden outdoor patio and dining furniture. The reason for this is that if the one element looks scrappy, you will find that most of the others also look that way too. The good news though is that doing maintenance on your wooden […]
Patio spaces are not only for use of young adults and children. More often it is used by elderly people in your home. Older people love to spend quality time outdoors. With their frail health, it would be tiresome for them to travel long distances to go to parks and other outdoor getaways. Having a […]
Living room is the area where we usually place the entertainment set. The entertainment and living room is merged as one because of limited space in our home. Everyone definitely likes to have a good looking home. We can simply attain this by simply having a TV stand or TV base. Apart from having a […]
Trade. Our new President rails against it, unions denigrate it, and unemployed blame it. And not without reason. On trade, jobs and economic growth, the US has performed less than stellar. Let’s look at the data, but then drill down a bit to the nuances. Undirected bluster to reduce trade deficits and grow jobs will […]